Essay on national integration

Different languages ​​spoken here. People have different dietary habits. Various religions spread and practiced here. But Indian culture and customs of the Indians united . They promoted a sense of unity and common citizenship. National integration is a psychological process . This means harmonious society in which all are loyal to their country. Sense of nationalism is dominant. It takes precedence over all other issues and interests. This means that every Indian , irrespective of caste, creed , language or religion belongs to India. He / She is proud of his / her country . National integration is very important for the development of comprehensive country. In fact , its existence depends on it. There are various climate in India. Eating habits are different, cultures are different , and there is a difference in religions and beliefs. People wear different dresses . Even the Indian customs and conventions are vast and varied . People have different sects and religions . There is a difference even in the grounds. The northern area is very fertile . There are hills and ridges. In the South there is the badlands and plateaus. Geographical features are different. Even the nature of the soil and fertility change. Different cultures are performed in different parts of the country . The taste and temperament, color, features all different. There are fanatical people who create communal riots in the name of religion. Casteism and parochialism also rampant in our society. Sectarianism and communalism break our social harmony . Sometimes , the separatist forces appear . These forces lead to the creation of many countries on the basis of the formula language . Nevertheless , people across India to conduct a similar outlook and moral values​.
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